Check vehicle history before you buy

Vehicle history report will reveal
Odometer records
Learn the true mileage for the vehicle
Theft vehicle check
Check if the car has been registered as stolen
Hidden damages
Find if the car has any undisclosed damages
Vehicle specs
View vehicle details encoded by the VIN
Sales & auction records
Know how many times has vehicle been sold and where
Title history
Track all the Title records
15,000+ customers are loving VIN.DOCTOR
John Redshaw
California, Los Angeles
Great job, guys. I was really lucky to find your service. I checked before buying the car. It was a staged car - originally airbags was deployed and the vehicle had rollover. I saved a lot of money!
Thanks for your service VIN.DOCTOR!
Bruce Heydarian
Texas, Fort Worth
I wanted to buy a F-150 SUPERCREW for our rancho and I got the complete history of the car. Everything was simple and easy. I got my report in a minute.
I am super happy with that car!
Tony Miller
Georgia, Macon
I almost bought flood damaged car. The guy was selling it “for too good to be true price”. Thank goodness I checked Vin.Doctor report first. I skipped a lot of trouble. Was the price of worth it? Absolutely!
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a number compilation of 17 characters that identifies a particular vehicle. It is assigned by the car manufacturer.
Knowing VIN, you can get vehicle details and ownership history, odometer records, insurance cases, and much more. Enter your VIN now and learn about possible odometer rollout, collisions and accidents, and other problems of the car which could be hidden by the seller.
There are several places where the VIN may be located physically on your car. It can often be found in the lower-left corner of the dashboard, in front of the steering wheel. You can read the number by looking through the windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle. The VIN may also appear in a number of other locations: driver’s door or front of the engine block.
The VIN may also be found on your vehicle's insurance card or vehicle title (DMV) records. If you are having issues finding your VIN number, you can also contact your car dealership or the manufacturer of your vehicle.
If you are in the market for a used car or planning to buy one for personal use, it’s important to arm yourself with the best information available to make the right decision. VIN.DOCTOR is here to help.
VIN.DOCTOR aggregates information from many online sources, including official data NMVTIS (National Motor Vehicle Title Information System) and saves your time and money by providing an instant snapshot of vehicle details, history, and all linked records available online.
VIN.DOCTOR searches National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) database and online resources for title, odometer, accident records and presents it in easy to read format. It also provides information on whether the car was listed or sold at salvage auctions such as Copart or IAAI.
Investing in a car is a serious step. Do not overlook the vehicle history report, order VIN.DOCTOR right now. Please check the sample report for more information.
Don't risk your money
Planning to buy a car? Check the VIN of the vehicle and get a full report